Design for Non Visual Designers

Learn how to add both visual thinking and visual doing to your daily work and ace your productivity and credibility as a knowledge worker

6 Hours Online Workshop • Weekend Only

Workshop by Arjun & Karthi


Fundamentals of Visual Design

  • Design Big Picture

  • Understanding Visual Principles

  • Using Typefaces (Curated from Google Fonts, Fontshare, etc)

  • Using Graphics (Curated Icon Packs, Illustration Packs)

  • Using Media (Curated Sites)

Fundamentals of Figma

  • Design Tools Big Picture (Creation, Collation, Collaboration)

  • Understanding Figma Interface

  • Understanding & Using Figjam

  • Using Figjam Templates

  • Working with Basic Shapes

  • Object Manipulation

  • Masking

  • Infinite Canvas vs Frames

  • Exporting Graphics

  • Creating Custom Shapes (Boolean Ops)

  • Using Simple Plugins for Organisation and Exports

  • Simple Shortcuts

  • Using Figma Community Templates

Application of Visuals

  • Slides

  • Social Media Posts

  • Moodboard

  • Resumes

  • Simple Visuals


  • 25 Figma Tips

  • 25 Canva Tips

  • Using Canva for Visuals

  • Using Simple Online Tools (Optimage, Tiny PNG, Small PDF, etc)

Optional: 12 Practice Days

Following the workshop, we will have a daily task given to you for practice. A 12-day optional add-on to opt-in for those who want to establish strong foundation through specially designed practice tasks and get your skills polished practically.

If you are a rockstar, you can ask for level 2 tasks to challenge a little more. We do this for 2 weeks and we call it done on 9th Dec.